Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Queries of various devotees are given : (Please click a question to see its answer)

Following are Spiritual Achievement Levels:
  1. Positivity of thoughts and Posture stability : (PP)
  2. Penance and Purity : (P' P')
  3. Concentration and Conduct : (C C)
  4. Discernment and dissolution of thoughts : (D D)
  5. Love and Humility (A H)
  6. Attentiveness and Harmony with Divine Will : (A H)
    1. Peace and Bliss Continuity : (P B C)
    2. Beyond Body Consciousness : (B B C)
More details at Appendix page.
Sit with your legs crossed and back straight (i.e. keeping the spinal cord in vertical posture). Close your eyes and pickup a single positive thought or think about your GURU and chant a Mantra, say 'OM SHANTHI' ! While chanting the Mantra think of positive energy that you are receiving. Take deep breath and think of word 'OM' and light rising up from Navel center upto mid-brain and exhale to your right uttering' SHANTHI' . Repeat it ten times and think that you are exhaling bad things and negative thoughts from the body and mind. After this, repeat the process of inhaling and exhaling towards left thinking that you are getting positive energy and experiencing light in your heart. Repeat this eleven times. Then think about your GURU and light around him, which you are also sharing and absorbing in your heart. With this practice your perturbing thoughts would decrease after some time and you will have better concentration.
Those who believe in almighty have a resource of support for them from where they can derive energy or can bank upon in times of need and crisis, whereas those who do not believe in Him, obviously, do not take the benefit of support from that eternal source of energy. Also the theists get the feeling of spiritual bliss, which others may not experience.
The mantra is not for quenching the desires, but has a different purpose of attaining the peace of mind. Actually, one has to be pragmatic in limiting one's desires to only a few positive desires depending upon the priorities, so as to properly concentrate one's energy for their fulfilment through positive means. If one has a number of desires, the energy would be dissipated in several directions and one may not be able to achieve anything. When the efforts are concentrated, then only some thing may be achieved. Also most of the desires are perturbations, which have to be discarded. So instead of having lot of goals, one should prioritize them and direct one's energy only to a selected few. Ultimately, one should strive for desirelessness after experiencing the futility of multiple worldly desires.
In the west the basic ethics of life were searched, thought about, established and standardized for common man to follow without interference from religious people. In India the efforts have been directed to achieve heights in spirituality, which of course is the real and highest goal of life. But every body is not geared towards achieving that goal and there are also no compulsions in respect of spiritual pursuit, religious practices or even in social conduct. Therefore, despite attaining highest levels in spirituality and philosophy there have existed gaps between spirituality, religious practice and social conduct. Due to independence of thoughts and free will to follow this or that, there has not been strict compliance of ethics in the society. Although the independence of thoughts and free will is good, yet there is need for strict compliance of ethics and moral values through education in school and at home. Ideally, integrated development at social, physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual level is necessary. Despite great saints, sages, thinkers, philosophers and powerful human resource of intellectuals and scientists, India has not yet achieved expected technological and materialistic progress as compared to west due to foreign rule over centuries and degradation of moral values, particularly, after independence.
We need to understand that the entire nature starting with the smallest particle of matter to the vast expanse of universe comprising living and non-living entities including galaxies and solar system with its great revolving planets is full of immense scientific knowledge, a very little fraction of which has been discovered by scientific studies and research in different areas. This scientific knowledge or science is in no way the creation of scientists, who are only trying to understand and discover things which remain under cover or veil of ignorance due to limited perception of senses. The theists call the creator or source of this creation and knowledge as God and atheists call it nature. Calling it by any name does not matter. What is important is that supreme power which is source of the entire existence and knowledge does exist. Therefore, all that which is explained or not explained (i.e. understood or not understood), at present, is attributable to that real source of existence and knowledge.
There are two concepts in this regard. Firstly, that there is a continuum of peace, knowledge and bliss. The sages and saints have found this to be the highest state to be achieved or realized. To achieve and experience this state of continuum of peace, knowledge and bliss is the ultimate goal of the life of all spiritual aspirants. This highest state is SATA (peace, truth), CHITTA (knowledge), ANANDA (bliss) or SATCHIDANANDA. True aspirants strive to be in the vicinity of this state or merge into this state. Therefore, this highest state of peace, knowledge and bliss is the goal of life or God to be realized through the practice of yoga (action, devotion, knowledge) or meditation. Secondly, this highest state is also the source of power of expansion or creation and contraction or annihilation and is, therefore also called as creator who has made fine arrangements for all our basic needs like air, water, and food right from the very inception of life, so much so that the mother's milk is provided spontaneously for feeding the newly born baby also. Therefore, He is not only the creator or destroyer but also true sustainer of life, and life should bloom to the fullest extent and attain the supreme purpose viz. the SACHIDANANDA. The supreme of this trinity viz. creator sustainer-destroyer or BRAHMA-VISHNU-MAHESH is called PAR BRAHMA which is also SATCHIDANANDA.
God realization means ascending the senses and mind through purification, meditation, love and grace and experience the state of absolute peace, knowledge and bliss and merge into SATCHIDANANDA. However, in the course of meditation, devotion and ascent beyond mind the self-consciousness may have glimpse or DARSHAN of the divine form upon which one has been meditating. Accordingly, the devotees of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Jesus, Lord Shiva or GURU may have glimpse of divine form or divine light in either of the form upon which one has been meditating, which indicates the state of complete absorption in the course of meditation.
God is supreme consciousness and as SACHIDANANDA i.e. eternal source of peace, knowledge and bliss God is also supreme Power and Gravitation (attraction) i.e. eternal source of Energy and Love. This SACHIDANANDA, the eternal source of energy and love, is all pervading in each and every living or non-living thing. In the matter that source of energy is found to be in the nucleus of ATOM. Each and every particle of matter also exhibits Gravitation or attraction. The consciousness in the matter is, however, dormant and is manifested in living beings but can be fully realized in the nucleus of self consciousness viz. ATAMA through purification, devotion and meditation. The attraction is also exhibited in all living beings as feeling of affection or love. However, the love and consciousness (CHETNA) are most conspicuous in sages and saints who are in constant touch with the supreme consciousness.
Miseries and happiness are the result of our past actions or KARMAS. To every action there is equal and opposite reaction and all actions are rewarded accordingly. Therefore, miseries are certainly the result of misdeeds or wrong actions and noble deeds eventually result in happiness. Three attributes of nature or three GUNAS viz. SATA, RAJAS and TAMAS determine the level of our KARMAS as noble, good, bad or evil actions. Evil actions account for sorrows and suffering in human life. However, the reward of our actions is, generally, not instantaneous. On the other hand the actions or KARMAS are categorized as current (KRIYAMAN), stored (SANCHIT) or destined (PRARABDHA) impressions. Mostly the fruits of those actions are reaped, which have acquired the status of destined impressions. Current impressions can be modified through confession, repentance and self-purification, whereas stored impressions can be slightly modified through meditation and devotion. There is hardly any scope for any change in the destined impressions. Sufferings and happiness are also determined by the state of mind or mental attitude. Those who have adopted righteous path and have developed positive attitude withstand the sufferings with equanimity. They are also not overwhelmed by the worldly happiness. Also, the spectrum of sufferings and happiness in one's life is not uniformly distributed. The happiness is experienced as and when the suffering ceases momentarily. That is, there is no everlasting happiness in human life. However, the later is transformed into inner happiness or bliss and peace for the spiritually advanced devotees.
The quest for optimum balance within and outside in behaviour and action as well as in respect of nature is not only right but is also most desirable for maintaining equanimity within and ecological balance in the nature. The balance of three GUNAS viz. SATA, RAJAS and TAMAS represent the pure state of mind where the TAMAS and RAJAS do not prevail over SATA. Accordingly all the functions of mind and actions should represent balance or ideal state which is not only good for one's own self but also for all others in the organization (place of work) and in the society. The distortion in the balance causes reaction within our self and in others, which disturbs the peace of mind and also perturbs the actions. The purification of mind through meditation and company of spiritual persons (SATSANG) are helpful in restoring the balance within our self and in our actions. The domain of spirituality characterized by peace, knowledge, bliss, love and selfless service to all commences with the purification of mind, which implies the balance of SATA, RAJAS and TAMAS tendencies. This implies coming above the passion (KAMA), anger (KRODHA), materialistic and personnel attachment (LOBHA, MOHA) and ego (AHANKAR).
This attitude is also related to imbalance within and in behaviour with others. The extreme of this imbalance represents vices like enmity, hatred and cruelty. The balance should lead to love, respect, compassion and service to life in all forms including human beings, animals and vegetation etc. Cruelty to none and service and help to needy, poor and sick should always be practised without any distinction and reservation. The ideal of spirituality is non-violence (AHIMSA), universal love (PREM/VISHWA-MITRABHAVA) and selfless service (SEWA) to all.
The entire creation is manifestation of God. The Godly attributes are present in each and every individual and need to be developed to come to the Godly state. However, Godly attributes are manifested in saints and devotees who shed their ego and become one with God. Thus saints achieve the highest spiritual state or Godhood through meditation (SADHANA) and self- purification. However, by God's grace some saints are born with manifestation of Godly attributes for the spiritual uplift of mankind depending upon the need of spiritual help. The manifestation of such a personality can result in spiritual revolution by which even the common man gets benefited. Similarly, when there is serious degradation in religious values God's grace descends in human form for re-establishing the tenets of faith and religion or even establishing a new order of religion depending upon the need, time and place. Such divine forms in different times (YUGA) have been regarded as messenger, representative or incarnation of God or AVTAR like Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Jesus Christ and prophet Mohammed. Thus, whereas God manifests through the entire creation, the Godly state, power and grace especially descends or manifests in great saints and AVTARS who bring in reforms in spirituality and religion respectively for the guidance and benefit of mankind.
Self development implies development, purification and balance of different faculties pertaining to physical, mental intellectual, emotional and spiritual states. Within hereditary and constitutional limitations the physical aspect can be developed through practice of regular hygiene and exercise, which may include a few selected ASANA and light PRANAYAM, SATTWIK diet and restraint of physical senses. Mental development can be achieved through concentration, studies, education and self- control. Intellect can be developed through meditation, discrimination, rational thinking and analysis. The emotional aspect can be developed through devotion, prayer, confidence and reverence for scriptures, divinity and guiding divine personality, if available, otherwise one should remain in search of such a personality viz. SANT SADGURU. The spiritual development can be achieved with the help of guidance and company of SANT SADGURU and practice of remembrance, and meditation on subtle inner vibration or non-qualitative name of God as spontaneously echoing vibration within one's consciousness. This will lead to experience or realization of energetic vibrant life, knowledge and bliss and one can live in that blissful state of vibrant life and knowledge, while performing all duties and actions with efficiency and without any attachment.
Various researches have shown that drinking (alcohol), smoking (tobacco) and taking non-vegetarian diet adversely affect our health and can be harmful to vital organs like liver, lungs, digestive system and even heart. Consuming alcohol can also lead to addiction and loss of self- control. Similarly, smokers also become habitual and addict of smoking. Non-vegetarian food, besides causing ill effect on physical body, is also conducive to arousing passions, laziness and even animal instincts. Therefore, it is regarded as TAMASIK food. It is also violative of the noble principles of nonviolence and universal love. Thus drinking, smoking and non-vegetarian food are not advisable for spiritual aspirants. Plain vegetarian diet with minimum spices and dairy products like milk, cheese and butter (within permissible limits only) constitutes SATTWIK diet, which is considered conducive for meditation.
Concentration implies fixing of attention from multiple thoughts to a single thought and meditation means absorption in that single thought leading to thoughtlessness. Thus concentration is the first step which should lead to the next step i.e. meditation. However, concentration becomes usually difficult due to wandering nature of mind. But with the process of intense divine love or divine grace one may straight-way get absorbed in meditation. In STM the wandering of mind ceases quickly and one easily enters the realm of meditation and experiences the blissful and peaceful state through contact with the spiritual Master (SANT SADGURU) at subtle thought level or through actual company of the spiritual Master. Starting with the experience of bliss and peace, the meditation is further facilitated when the state of inner subtle vibrations is experienced.
Spirituality is beyond religion and affiliation with a religion is also not necessary for meditation. However, self discipline may be inculcated with ease if the principles of good conduct of any religion are followed with sincerity. But ritual aspects of religion having merely social or faith value are, generally, not helpful in meditation. If the principles of religion are understood properly and the recommended code of good conduct for self-discipline is followed sincerely, one should transcend from narrow-mindedness and irrationality to broad-mindedness and rationality. Thus although affiliation with any religion is not necessary for meditation, at the same time it is not desirable to give up or change religion but one may sincerely and rationally follow the principles of good conduct of one's own religion for inculcating self-discipline. The recommended principles for practising in actual life and self introspection described above are also helpful in improving self discipline as needed for success in meditation.
When we read some scriptures or observe some phenomena, it provides us superficial or suggestive knowledge which either gives rise to ego or creates inquisitiveness. Further, as we ponder over any theme we may grasp a bit of it at mental level. As we start analysing things, then there is some grasp at intellectual level. On going further deep in the process of analysis and quest, the intellect ceases for a moment and we get beyond logic a flash of knowledge at intuitional level. Further in-depth knowledge will lead us to real knowledge which will provide clairvoyance and sharpen the discrimination giving clarity of distinction between eternal reality and perishable world, which will lead us to self-realisation.

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